Create Your Own Light
We all want to live a life we desire and deserve versus merely existing. Each week, join Travis Howze, U.S. Marine, former Police Officer and Firefighter, World Touring Stand Up Comedian, Motivational Speaker and Best Selling Author as he draws from a lifetime of experiences from unbelievably hysterical stories to unspeakable traumatic events and engages directly with his supporters and listeners, taking off-the-cuff questions and topic suggestions to produce a unique broadcast atmosphere, where you, the listener, has a say in the show. If you struggle with purpose, looking for inspiration, have a friend or loved one who could use support, or simply want to laugh and cry in your vehicle, couch, or go-to place, this podcast is a must for you!
134 episodes
Fake A$$ Brotherhood
In this episode I talk about the illusion of the First Responder Brotherhood. I go on to talk about the mindset of a young First Responder vs the mindset of a more veteran First Responder and how when you're down, people will rally around you. ...
Episode 134
When You WIN You LOSE
In this episode I discuss the feeling of failing when you are winning and the emptiness associated with it. I go on to talk about the harshness of our communication and how it is received by those that are the closest to us. I also talk about t...
Episode 133
Product of Your Environment
In this episode I discuss the future, being human and changing your path in life regardless of your circumstances. Enjoy! Grab My Book "Create Your Own Light":
Episode 132
It Must Be Nice
In this episode I talk about the optics of life and what people see vs what they dont know. I also talk about why having a fall-back plan is not always the best solution to success. I further discuss being around people that want to see you fai...
Episode 131
The Illusion of Happiness
In this episode I talk about the current burn out that I am experiencing and how a simple shift in thinking is helping me breathe. I go on to talk about the illusion of happiness and the search for my old self. Enjoy! Grab My Bo...
Episode 130
A Hero's Welcome
In this episode I discuss the challenges of being physically injured in the line of duty vs morally injured in the line of duty. I go on to talk about prioritizing work and family and the broken homes of tough guys. Enjoy! Grab My Bo...
Episode 129
Spouses Suffering in Silence
In this episode I talk about the spouses and the important role that they play in the wellness recovery of an individual diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress. I go on to talk about leadership, social media stress and more. Enjoy. Visit ...
Episode 128
Infidelity Among First Responder Families
In this episode I discuss the extremely uncomfortable topic of infidelity among first responder families. My hope is to shed a little light onto this dark epidemic that is also plaquing our first responders along with mental wellness. This will...
Episode 127
The Best Defense is NO DEFENSE
In this episode I discuss how sometimes the best defense can be no defense. I also get into how much of our time we are truly in control of and learning how to see things through the lens of other people, not just your own. Enjoy!Visit ...
Episode 126
Spouses Who Poke the PTSD Bear
In this episode I discuss spousal disagreements and the importance of knowing when to walk away vs stand your ground in a potentially volatile situation with your loved one. I also go on to talk about hypervigilance and understanding the mind o...
Episode 125
When a Mother Fu#%er Tests You
In this episode I discuss the importance of controlling your reaction to other people's ignorance. I go on to talk about other people who take your relationship for granted by constantly testing your patience and how to handle those situations....
Episode 124
What's Your Family Worth to You
In this episode I discuss how to break toxic cycles that impede positive growth. I go on to talk about the importance of having a supportive cast in your corner during this process. I also discuss the value of your personal legacy and climbing ...
Episode 123
How Hypervigilance Destroys a Family
In this episode I discuss the upcoming release of my new book while reflecting on my journey of growth. I go on to discuss the importance of understanding your family tree and just how certain individuals can unknowingly impact your bloodline f...
Episode 122
Family Over Career or Career Over Family
In this episode I discuss putting what matters the most at the forefront of our lives. Is it our family or our career? I go on to explain how many of us choose the devil we know vs the devil we dont and the potential cost associated with ...
Episode 121
Everything is an Emergency
In this episode I discuss being too hard on ourselves and knowing when to stop taking the blame for things. I go on to talk about people who attempt to take advantage of the term friendship and why everything in our life seems to be an emergenc...
Episode 120
Know Your Worth and Thank Your Spouse
In this episode I discuss having the ability to establish your value as it pertains to time, money, relationships and friendships. I go on to talk about celebrating small mental health victories even when no one is looking. I conclude with aski...
Episode 119
Keyboard Warriors and BS Apologies
In this episode I tell a few short stories about my recent experience on TikTok and the most ridiculous apology I have ever heard. I go on to talk about friends who are really there for and support you vs ones that would rather see you unsucces...
Episode 118
Friends in No Places
In this episode I talk about the illusion of happiness and the importance of friends. I go on to discuss the power of self-restraint in a challenging world and not using your PTSD diagnosis as an excuse to be an asshole. Enjoy! Visit ou...
Episode 117
Those who say F#%K the Police
In this episode I ask the million-dollar question to those who say F#%K the Police. I go on to talk about how pathetic it is to engage with keyboard warriors and how other people's opinion of you should play zero role in your life. I go on to t...
Episode 116
Nothing Left To Prove
In this episode I discuss why some have trouble walking away from confrontations even against our better judgement. I go on to talk about that feeling inside just before losing self-control and the collateral damage that causes to those around ...
Episode 115
The Monster I Became is NOT the Man I AM
In this episode I discuss how loyalty can stunt your growth and affect not only your happiness but your families happiness. I also get into the importance of diversifying your happiness, living in a virtual world and intentionally hurting the p...
Episode 114
Emotionless Wreck
In this episode I discuss the inability to show emotion to those who need it from us the most and why we seem so cold during the moments. I also get into changing perspective from negative thoughts and situations. I go on to talk about being ma...
Episode 113
Time Is Not On Our Side
In this episode I discuss the importance placing unreasonable expectations on other people. I also get into how we mold others around us without even knowing we are doing it. I go on to talk about discourteous people and making the attempt to r...
Episode 112